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Access SkyDrive as a Map Drive


  • Windows 7 (some says Windows XP would work, not test)
  • Office 2010 (beta is fine; need to verify if this is optional)
  • Windows Live account

Set up:

  • Download SkyDrive Simple Viewer for WebDAV
  • Run dumpurls.exe <Windows Live UserName> <Password> to get a list of addresses
  • Map a network drive with one of the addresses
  • Enter Windows Live ID and password

VMware vSphere 4 Notes

1. vSphere Editions for Small Businesses Comparison

Basic ESXi physical hardware limit: 2 physical processors, 6 cores per processors, 256GB memory.


2. VMware vCenter Server

VMware vCenter Server Installation

VMware vCenter Server Administration

  • After installing vCenter Server:
    • Create a datacenter
    • Join ESX(i) host to vCenter Server

Batch File for Checking OS Architecture Type

@echo off
echo Detecting OS processor type

echo 32-bit OS
REM Run 32-bit executable
goto END

echo 64-bit OS
REM Run 62-bit executable


Batch File for Checking OS Architecture Type

@echo off
echo Detecting OS processor type

echo 32-bit OS
REM Run 32-bit executable
goto END
echo 64-bit OS
REM Run 62-bit executable

Allocate Virtual Processors

The recommendation is to allocate more virtual processors than you have physical processors and let the hypervisor take care of scheduling the CPU work across the physical cores. Microsoft typically recommends you have no more than eight virtual processors per physical core.

Use WinSCP to Transfer Files in vCSA 6.7

This is a quick update on my previous post “ Use WinSCP to Transfer Files in vCSA 6.5 ”. When I try the same SFTP server setting in vCSA 6.7...