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Delete File Name Includes An Invalid Name
del "\\?\c:\path_to_file_that contains a trailing space.txt "

subinacl /onlyfile "\\?\c:\path_to_problem_file" /setowner=domain\administrator /grant=domain\administrator=F


rmdir /s <drive:><path>

Install SQL 2008 RTM on Windows Server 2008 R2

  1. Install SQL 2008 SP1 (this will only install the SQL setup support file)
  2. Install .NET Framework 3.5.1 feature through Server Manager, Features, Add Features
  3. Install SQL 2008
  4. Install SQL 2008 SP1

Linux Guest Different MAC Address Error on VMware vSphere

Converted a Linux (Fedora 5) PC to a VMware vSphere guest.  The Linux guest OS shows a failed message when shutting down interface eth0.

Fix: edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0’s HWADDR to match the MAC address assigned the Linux guest OS.

Linux Guest Hangs at “Starting udev” on VMware vSphere

Converted a Linux (Fedora 5) PC to a VMware vSphere guest.  The Linux guest OS hangs at “Starting udev”.


  1. Restart the Linux guest OS;
  2. Press any key at the GRUB boot menu, press e to edit, and add the highlighted words at the “kernel” line; press enter, and then b to boot;
    kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.18-1.2257.fc5smp ro root=/dev/sdb1 clock=pmtmr divider=10 hgb quiet
  3. Once it boots in the console, edit /boot/grub/grub.conf with the same setting.


Error 2753 The file “???” is not marked for installation

Get this error when trying to remove an application managed by a group policy installer package.

Fix: Install Windows Installer CleanUp Utility (msicuu2) to remove the application.

Use WinSCP to Transfer Files in vCSA 6.7

This is a quick update on my previous post “ Use WinSCP to Transfer Files in vCSA 6.5 ”. When I try the same SFTP server setting in vCSA 6.7...